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:: Volume 28, Issue 3 (spring 2018) ::
MEDICAL SCIENCES 2018, 28(3): 230-238 Back to browse issues page
Effects of aqueous extract of Zingiber officinale on lipid profiles in rat subjected to streptozotocin
Tahmoores Shahrivar1 , Mokhtar Mokhtari 2, Mokhtar Mokhtari3
1- PhD Student in Animal Physiology, Department of Biology, Kazerun Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kazerun, Iran
2- Physiology, Department of Biology, Kazerun Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kazerun, Iran , M. Mokhtari246@yahoo.com
3- Physiology, Department of Biology, Kazerun Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kazerun, Iran
Abstract:   (4594 Views)
Background: Diabetes induces systemic disorders through changes in plasma lipid levels and increasing risk of cardiovascular diseases. In this study, the effects of aqueous extract of  Zingiber officinale  on the serum levels of lipids was investigated in rats following the induction of diabetes by streptozotocin.
Materials and methods: In this experimental study, 42 male Wistar rats were divided in 6 groups of seven as follow: the control, diabetic sham and 4 experimental groups. Diabetic sham received 70 mg/kg streptozotocin once at the beginning of the experiment; the experimental groups 1 and 2 daily received 250 and 500 mg/kg Zingiber aqueous extract respectively; the experimental groups 3 and 4 first received streptozotocin once, and then a daily dose of 250 and 500 mg/kg extract. Oral administration of aqueous extract continued over a period of two months. Then, blood samples were prepared, and used for measurement of serum levels of triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC), LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol.
Results: Serum concentration of triglyceride and LDL cholesterol in the diabetic sham compared to the control group showed a significant increase (p<0.05). Conversely, serum levels of triglyceride and LDL cholesterol in the experimental group 1 compared to the control group indicated a significant decrease. Triglyceride in the experimental group 2 revealed a significant increase compared to the control group. Also, HDL cholesterol increased significantly in this group. A significant decrease was observed in the serum levels of triglyceride and LDL cholesterol in the experimental group3 and 4 compared with diabetic sham, whereas concentration of HDL cholesterol in experimental Group 4 increased significantly (p< 0.05).
Conclusion: Due to its antioxidant properties, aqueous extract of Zingiber can reduce streptozotocin toxicity leading to an improvement in serum lipid profiles of diabetic patients.
Keywords: Zingiber, Streptozotocin, LDL, HDL, Triglycerides, Total cholesterol, Rat.
Keywords: Zingiber, Streptozotocin, LDL, HDL, Triglycerides, Total cholesterol, Rat
Full-Text [PDF 280 kb]   (1881 Downloads)    
Semi-pilot: Experimental | Subject: Physiology
Received: 2017/10/29 | Accepted: 2018/02/17 | Published: 2018/09/22
ENG-PDF [PDF 564 KB]  (134 Download)
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Shahrivar T, Mokhtari M, Mokhtari M. Effects of aqueous extract of Zingiber officinale on lipid profiles in rat subjected to streptozotocin . MEDICAL SCIENCES 2018; 28 (3) :230-238
URL: http://tmuj.iautmu.ac.ir/article-1-1445-en.html

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