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:: دوره 30، شماره 3 - ( پائيز 1399 ) ::
جلد 30 شماره 3 صفحات 331-320 برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها
اثر بخشی آموزش خود متمایز سازی بر صمیمیت، سازگاری و توانایی ابراز وجود زنان متاهل
مهرداد ساسانی1 ، قربان فتحی اقدم2 ، جعفر پویا منش3 ، مجتبی امیری مجد4
1- دانشجوی دکترای مشاوره، واحد ابهر،دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، ابهر، ایران
2- استادیار گروه روانشناسی، واحد ابهر، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، ابهر، ایران ، fathi4466@yahoo.com
3- استادیار گروه روانشناسی، واحد ابهر، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، ابهر، ایران
4- دانشیار گروه روانشناسی، واحد ابهر ،دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، ابهر، ایران
چکیده:   (3886 مشاهده)
سابقه و هدف: پژوهش حاضر با هدف اثر بخشی آموزش خود متمایز سازی بر صمیمیت، سازگاری و ابراز وجود زنان متاهل انجام شد.
روش بررسی: روش پژوهش از نوع نیمه آزمایشی، پیش آزمون پس آزمون و پیگیری با گروه کنترل بود. جامعه آماری کلیه زنان متاهل دارای مدت ازدواج زیر 5 سال و سن بین 20 تا 40 سال شهر تبریز بودند. 30 زن متاهل به روش نمونه گیری در دسترس انتخاب شده و به صورت تصادفی در دوگروه آزمایش و کنترل (هر گروه 15 نفر) گمارده شدند. برای جمع آوری داده­ها در مرحله پیش آزمون، پس آزمون و پیگیری از پرسشنامه صمیمیت زناشویی، پرسشنامه سازگاری و پرسشنامه ابراز وجود استفاده شد، سپس گروه آزمایش تحت آموزش مفاهیم خودمتمایزسازی به مدت 18ساعت در 12هفته قرار گرفتند. داده­های به دست آمده با روش تحلیل واریانس با اندازه گیری مکرر تحلیل شدند. 
یافته­ها: بین گروه آزمایش و گروه کنترل در صمیمیت، سازگاری و توانایی ابراز وجود تفاوت معنی­داری وجود داشت (005/0 >p)، به عبارتی تفاوت بین نمرات دو گروه نشان داد که آموزش خودمتمایز سازی بر صمیمیت، سازگاری و توانایی ابراز وجود زنان متاهل موثر است.
نتیجه­گیری: از این تحقیق می­توان نتیجه گرفت که آموزش خودمتمایز سازی برای کاهش مشکلات زناشویی زنان متاهل تاثیر بالایی دارد. این امر اهمیت استفاده از این رویکرد را در برنامه ریزی درمانی و مداخلات بالینی در مورد مشکلات زناشویی نشان می­دهد.
واژه‌های کلیدی: خود متمایز سازی، صمیمیت، سازگاری، ابرازوجود، زنان متاهل
متن کامل [PDF 363 kb]   (2567 دریافت)    
نيمه آزمايشي : تحليلي/مقطعي/توصيفي | موضوع مقاله: روانشناسی
دریافت: 1398/7/22 | پذیرش: 1398/9/19 | انتشار: 1399/6/30
فهرست منابع
1. . 1. Kanjani Veshki S, Shafiabady A, Farzad V, Fathizade M. A comparison between the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral couple therapy and acceptance and commitment couple therapy on conflicting couples marital intimacy is Isfahan. Knowledge & Research in Applied Psychology 2016; 4: 31-40. [Persian] [DOI:10.5812/jjhs.43085]
2. Constant E, Vallet F, Nandarino JL, Christopher V. Personal assessment of intimacy in relationship: Validity and measurement invariance across gender. Europ Rev Appl Psychol 2016;66: 109-116. [DOI:10.1016/j.erap.2016.04.008]
3. Lankveld JV, Jacobs N, Thewissen V, Dewitte M, Verboon P. The associations of intimacy and sexuality in daily life: temporal dynamic and gender effects within romantic relationships. J Personal Relat 2018;35: 557-576. [DOI:10.1177/0265407517743076]
4. Zarra Nezhad M, Moazami Godarzi A. Sextuality, Intimacy and Marital Satisfaction in Iranian First-Time Parent. J Sex Marital Ther 2011; 37: 77-88. [Persian] [DOI:10.1080/0092623X.2011.547336]
5. Yoo H, Bartle-Haring S, Day R, Gangamma R. Couple communication emotional and sexual intimacy, and relationship satisfaction. J Sex Marital Ther 2014;40:275-293. [DOI:10.1080/0092623X.2012.751072]
6. Fallahzadeh H, Sanaei B, Farzad WA. Investigating the Effectiveness of Emotional-Couple Therapy and Combined System Therapy Couples on Reducing Intimate Couple Anxiety. Quarterly Journal of Family Studies. 2012;8: 484-466. [Persian]
7. Montesi JL, Conner BT, Gordon EA. Fauber RL, Kim K H, Heimberg E. On the Relationship among Social Anxiety, Intimacy, Sexual Communication, and Sexual Satisfaction in Young Couples. Arch Sex Behav 2013; 42; 81-91. [DOI:10.1007/s10508-012-9929-3]
8. Crawford M, Unger R. Eds. Women and gender: a feminist psychology. 4th edition. New York, NY, USA: McGraw-Hill; 2004.
9. Blum TW, Ed. Becoming a family counselor: a bridge to family therapy theory and practice. Hoboken, NJ. USA: Wlley; 2006.
10. Pal R. Marital adjustment among working and non-working married women. Int J Home Sci. 2017;3: 384-386.
11. Yeganeh T, Shaikhmahmoodi H. Role of religious orientation in predicting marital adjustment and psychological well-being. Sociology Mind 2013;3: 131-136. [In Persian] [DOI:10.4236/sm.2013.32020]
12. Gaal F. The role of differentiation of self-anxiety in pre-dicting marital adjustment following the death of an adult, married-child biological parent [Unpublished doctoral Dissertation]., Los An-gels, CA: Seton Hall University; 2005.
13. Bar-On R, Parker JDA, eds.. Handbook of emotional intelligence. San Francisco: Jossey-Boss; 2006.
14. Bernstein PH, Bernstein MT, eds. Marital therapy (recognition and treatment of marital disputes). Sohrabi HR, Translator. Tehran: Rasa; 2003. [In Persian]
15. Jalali M. Poorahmadi E. Effect of assertiveness training on mental and self-esteem in adolescents. Andisheh va Raftar 2010; 5: 27-36. [In Persian]
16. RanJbarkohn Z, Sajadinejad MS. Effect of assertiveness training on self-esteem and depression in students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Journal of Birjand University of Medical Sciences 2010; 17:1-8. [In Persian]
17. Meteyard JD, Andersen KL, Marx E. Exploring the Relationship between Differentiation of self and Religious Questing in students from Two Faith based Colleges. Pastoral Psychol 2012;61:333-42. [DOI:10.1007/s11089-011-0401-4]
18. Lam C, Chan-So CY. Validation of the Chinese version of Differentiation of Self inventory. J Marital Fam Ther 2015;41:81-101. [DOI:10.1111/jmft.12031]
19. Karami J, Zakiei A, Alikhani M, Nourouzi A. Explanation of self-differentiation in accordance with attachment styles and alexithymia. J Behave Sci. 2014; 8: 139-47. [In Persian]
20. Bayrami M, Fahimi S, Akbari E, AmiriPichakolaei A. Predicting marital satisfaction on the basis of attachment styles and differentiation components. J Fundament Health. 2012; 14: 64-77. [In Persian]
21. Peleg O, Zoabi M. Social anxiety and differentiation of self: a comparison of Jewish and Arab college students. Pers Individ Dif 2014; 68: 221-8. [DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2014.04.032]
22. Tuason MT, Friedlander M. Do parent's differentiation levels predict those of their adult children? And other test of bowen theory in Philippine sample. J Couns Psychol 2000; 47: 27-35. [DOI:10.1037/0022-0167.47.1.27]
23. Skowron E, Smith A. Parent differentiation of self and child competence in low-income urban families. J Couns Psychol 2005;52: 337-346. [DOI:10.1037/0022-0167.52.3.337]
24. Ross AS, Murdock NL. Differentiation of self and well-being: the (in) security in children: the role of parental romantic attachment status and rearing behaviors. J Child Fam Stud 2014; 17: 555-566. [DOI:10.1007/s10826-007-9174-x]
25. Isik E, Bulduk S. Psychometric properties of the differentiation of self-inventory revised in Turkish adult. J Marital Fam Ther 2015;41: 102-112. [DOI:10.1111/jmft.12022]
26. Skowron EA, Friedlander ML. The differentiation of self-inventory: development and initial validation. J Counsel Psychol 1998; 45: 235-49. [DOI:10.1037/0022-0167.45.3.235]
27. Pasha-Sharifi H, Manavipour D, Askari F. Psychometric properties of the differentiation of self-inventory. J Ind/Organ Psychol 2014; 5: 9-22. [In Persian]
28. Pir Salghi F, Nazari A, HajiHasani M, NadehAlipour H. Effectiveness of self-differentiation therapy on the degree of assertiveness of female students, Allameh Tabatabai University. Tehran, Quarterly Journal of Clinical Psychology 2014;4: 16-34. [In Persian]
29. Hoseinian S, NaJaflooyi F. The relationship between differentiation of self with psychological and physical symptoms in women referring to counseling centers. J women Fam Stud 2011; 3: 29-44. [In Persian]
30. Faul F, Erdfelder E, Lang A-G, Buchner A. G* Power 3: a flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences. Behav Res Methods 2007;39:175-91. [DOI:10.3758/BF03193146]
31. Geier DA, Kern JK, Davis G, King PG, Adams JB, Young JL, et al. A prospective double-blind, randomized clinical trial of levocarnitine to treat autism spectrum disorders. Med Sci Mon Int Med J Exp Clin Res 2011;17:PI15. [DOI:10.12659/MSM.881792]
32. Bagarozzi D. Enhancing intimacy in marriage Branner-Rouledye. Tylor & Forancis group: USA; 2001 :1 -25.
33. Etemadi O, Navabinejade SH, Ahmadi SA, Farzad V. The investigation of the effects of couple therapy in the form of image therapy on increase of couples' intimacy. Journal of Counseling Research. 2005;5(19):9-21. [In Persian]
34. Jowkar B. The mediating role of resilience in the relationship between general and emotional intelligence and life satisfaction. Contemporary psychology, BJIPA. 2008:2(2):3-12. [In Persian]
35. Yarmohammadian A, Bonakdar Hashemi N, Asgari K. The effect of emotional intelligence and life skills training on marital adjustment among young couples. Knowledge Res Appl Psychol. 2011;12:3-12 . [In Persian]
36. Molazadeh J, Mahmood M, Ezheyi J, Kiamanesh A. Confronting styles and marital adjustment in Shahed children Journal of Psychology 2002;6:255-75. [In Persian]
37. Gambrill ED, Richey CA. An assertion inventory for use in assessment and research. Behavior Therapy 1975;6:550-61. [DOI:10.1016/S0005-7894(75)80013-X]
38. Haghighi J, Mousavi M, Mehrabizade HM, Beshildeh K. Examination of any life skills training on mental health and literacy of first year high school girl students. Jornal of Psychology and Educational Sciences 2006;13(1):61-78. [In Persian]
39. Hargi O, Ed. Social skills in interpersonal communication. 3rd edition. London: Roulledge; 2005.
40. Popko O. Bowen theory: a study of differentiation of self, social anxiety, and physiological symptoms. Contemp Fam Ther 2002;24, 355-369. [DOI:10.1023/A:1015355509866]
41. Nawabynezhad Sh, BabaKhani V, Karimi N. The efficacy of self-differentiation on couples' intimacy and compatibility. The first congress of family psychology is a step in designing a family-friendly model, Ahwaz, Iran; 2015. [In Persian]
42. Khorami Nejad N, Tabrizi M, Ahghar G. Effect of self differentiation training on women's marital conflict reduction. Life Science Journal 2013; 10: 15-19. [In Persian]
43. Karimnejad Sh. Effectiveness of self-differentiation training on marital adjustment and psychological well-being of women with addicted spouse [Master's thesis in Rehabilitation Consultation] Tehran: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabatabaei University; 2015. [In Persian]
44. Skowron EA. The role of differentiation of self in marital adjustment. J Counsel Psychol 2000;47: 229. [DOI:10.1037/0022-0167.47.2.229]
45. Najaf Loyi F. The role of self-differentiation in marital relationships. Modern Educational Ideas 2006; 2: 37-27. [In Persian]
46. Kanjani Veshki S, Shafiabady A, Farzad V, Fathizade M. A comparison between the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral couple therapy and acceptance and commitment couple therapy on conflicting couples marital intimacy is Isfahan. Knowledge & Research in Applied Psychology 2016; 4: 31-40. [Persian] [DOI:10.5812/jjhs.43085]
47. Constant E, Vallet F, Nandarino JL, Christopher V. Personal assessment of intimacy in relationship: Validity and measurement invariance across gender. Europ Rev Appl Psychol 2016;66: 109-116. [DOI:10.1016/j.erap.2016.04.008]
48. Lankveld JV, Jacobs N, Thewissen V, Dewitte M, Verboon P. The associations of intimacy and sexuality in daily life: temporal dynamic and gender effects within romantic relationships. J Personal Relat 2018;35: 557-576. [DOI:10.1177/0265407517743076]
49. Zarra Nezhad M, Moazami Godarzi A. Sextuality, Intimacy and Marital Satisfaction in Iranian First-Time Parent. J Sex Marital Ther 2011; 37: 77-88. [Persian] [DOI:10.1080/0092623X.2011.547336]
50. Yoo H, Bartle-Haring S, Day R, Gangamma R. Couple communication emotional and sexual intimacy, and relationship satisfaction. J Sex Marital Ther 2014;40:275-293. [DOI:10.1080/0092623X.2012.751072]
51. Fallahzadeh H, Sanaei B, Farzad WA. Investigating the Effectiveness of Emotional-Couple Therapy and Combined System Therapy Couples on Reducing Intimate Couple Anxiety. Quarterly Journal of Family Studies. 2012;8: 484-466. [Persian]
52. Montesi JL, Conner BT, Gordon EA. Fauber RL, Kim K H, Heimberg E. On the Relationship among Social Anxiety, Intimacy, Sexual Communication, and Sexual Satisfaction in Young Couples. Arch Sex Behav 2013; 42; 81-91. [DOI:10.1007/s10508-012-9929-3]
53. Crawford M, Unger R. Eds. Women and gender: a feminist psychology. 4th edition. New York, NY, USA: McGraw-Hill; 2004.
54. Blum TW, Ed. Becoming a family counselor: a bridge to family therapy theory and practice. Hoboken, NJ. USA: Wlley; 2006.
55. Pal R. Marital adjustment among working and non-working married women. Int J Home Sci. 2017;3: 384-386.
56. Yeganeh T, Shaikhmahmoodi H. Role of religious orientation in predicting marital adjustment and psychological well-being. Sociology Mind 2013;3: 131-136. [In Persian] [DOI:10.4236/sm.2013.32020]
57. Gaal F. The role of differentiation of self-anxiety in pre-dicting marital adjustment following the death of an adult, married-child biological parent [Unpublished doctoral Dissertation]., Los An-gels, CA: Seton Hall University; 2005.
58. Bar-On R, Parker JDA, eds.. Handbook of emotional intelligence. San Francisco: Jossey-Boss; 2006.
59. Bernstein PH, Bernstein MT, eds. Marital therapy (recognition and treatment of marital disputes). Sohrabi HR, Translator. Tehran: Rasa; 2003. [In Persian]
60. Jalali M. Poorahmadi E. Effect of assertiveness training on mental and self-esteem in adolescents. Andisheh va Raftar 2010; 5: 27-36. [In Persian]
61. RanJbarkohn Z, Sajadinejad MS. Effect of assertiveness training on self-esteem and depression in students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Journal of Birjand University of Medical Sciences 2010; 17:1-8. [In Persian]
62. Meteyard JD, Andersen KL, Marx E. Exploring the Relationship between Differentiation of self and Religious Questing in students from Two Faith based Colleges. Pastoral Psychol 2012;61:333-42. [DOI:10.1007/s11089-011-0401-4]
63. Lam C, Chan-So CY. Validation of the Chinese version of Differentiation of Self inventory. J Marital Fam Ther 2015;41:81-101. [DOI:10.1111/jmft.12031]
64. Karami J, Zakiei A, Alikhani M, Nourouzi A. Explanation of self-differentiation in accordance with attachment styles and alexithymia. J Behave Sci. 2014; 8: 139-47. [In Persian]
65. Bayrami M, Fahimi S, Akbari E, AmiriPichakolaei A. Predicting marital satisfaction on the basis of attachment styles and differentiation components. J Fundament Health. 2012; 14: 64-77. [In Persian]
66. Peleg O, Zoabi M. Social anxiety and differentiation of self: a comparison of Jewish and Arab college students. Pers Individ Dif 2014; 68: 221-8. [DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2014.04.032]
67. Tuason MT, Friedlander M. Do parent's differentiation levels predict those of their adult children? And other test of bowen theory in Philippine sample. J Couns Psychol 2000; 47: 27-35. [DOI:10.1037/0022-0167.47.1.27]
68. Skowron E, Smith A. Parent differentiation of self and child competence in low-income urban families. J Couns Psychol 2005;52: 337-346. [DOI:10.1037/0022-0167.52.3.337]
69. Ross AS, Murdock NL. Differentiation of self and well-being: the (in) security in children: the role of parental romantic attachment status and rearing behaviors. J Child Fam Stud 2014; 17: 555-566. [DOI:10.1007/s10826-007-9174-x]
70. Isik E, Bulduk S. Psychometric properties of the differentiation of self-inventory revised in Turkish adult. J Marital Fam Ther 2015;41: 102-112. [DOI:10.1111/jmft.12022]
71. Skowron EA, Friedlander ML. The differentiation of self-inventory: development and initial validation. J Counsel Psychol 1998; 45: 235-49. [DOI:10.1037/0022-0167.45.3.235]
72. Pasha-Sharifi H, Manavipour D, Askari F. Psychometric properties of the differentiation of self-inventory. J Ind/Organ Psychol 2014; 5: 9-22. [In Persian]
73. Pir Salghi F, Nazari A, HajiHasani M, NadehAlipour H. Effectiveness of self-differentiation therapy on the degree of assertiveness of female students, Allameh Tabatabai University. Tehran, Quarterly Journal of Clinical Psychology 2014;4: 16-34. [In Persian]
74. Hoseinian S, NaJaflooyi F. The relationship between differentiation of self with psychological and physical symptoms in women referring to counseling centers. J women Fam Stud 2011; 3: 29-44. [In Persian]
75. Faul F, Erdfelder E, Lang A-G, Buchner A. G* Power 3: a flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences. Behav Res Methods 2007;39:175-91. [DOI:10.3758/BF03193146]
76. Geier DA, Kern JK, Davis G, King PG, Adams JB, Young JL, et al. A prospective double-blind, randomized clinical trial of levocarnitine to treat autism spectrum disorders. Med Sci Mon Int Med J Exp Clin Res 2011;17:PI15. [DOI:10.12659/MSM.881792]
77. Bagarozzi D. Enhancing intimacy in marriage Branner-Rouledye. Tylor & Forancis group: USA; 2001 :1 -25.
78. Etemadi O, Navabinejade SH, Ahmadi SA, Farzad V. The investigation of the effects of couple therapy in the form of image therapy on increase of couples' intimacy. Journal of Counseling Research. 2005;5(19):9-21. [In Persian]
79. Jowkar B. The mediating role of resilience in the relationship between general and emotional intelligence and life satisfaction. Contemporary psychology, BJIPA. 2008:2(2):3-12. [In Persian]
80. Yarmohammadian A, Bonakdar Hashemi N, Asgari K. The effect of emotional intelligence and life skills training on marital adjustment among young couples. Knowledge Res Appl Psychol. 2011;12:3-12 . [In Persian]
81. Molazadeh J, Mahmood M, Ezheyi J, Kiamanesh A. Confronting styles and marital adjustment in Shahed children Journal of Psychology 2002;6:255-75. [In Persian]
82. Gambrill ED, Richey CA. An assertion inventory for use in assessment and research. Behavior Therapy 1975;6:550-61. [DOI:10.1016/S0005-7894(75)80013-X]
83. Haghighi J, Mousavi M, Mehrabizade HM, Beshildeh K. Examination of any life skills training on mental health and literacy of first year high school girl students. Jornal of Psychology and Educational Sciences 2006;13(1):61-78. [In Persian]
84. Hargi O, Ed. Social skills in interpersonal communication. 3rd edition. London: Roulledge; 2005.
85. Popko O. Bowen theory: a study of differentiation of self, social anxiety, and physiological symptoms. Contemp Fam Ther 2002;24, 355-369. [DOI:10.1023/A:1015355509866]
86. Nawabynezhad Sh, BabaKhani V, Karimi N. The efficacy of self-differentiation on couples' intimacy and compatibility. The first congress of family psychology is a step in designing a family-friendly model, Ahwaz, Iran; 2015. [In Persian]
87. Khorami Nejad N, Tabrizi M, Ahghar G. Effect of self differentiation training on women's marital conflict reduction. Life Science Journal 2013; 10: 15-19. [In Persian]
88. Karimnejad Sh. Effectiveness of self-differentiation training on marital adjustment and psychological well-being of women with addicted spouse [Master's thesis in Rehabilitation Consultation] Tehran: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabatabaei University; 2015. [In Persian]
89. Skowron EA. The role of differentiation of self in marital adjustment. J Counsel Psychol 2000;47: 229. [DOI:10.1037/0022-0167.47.2.229]
90. Najaf Loyi F. The role of self-differentiation in marital relationships. Modern Educational Ideas 2006; 2: 37-27. [In Persian]
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Sassni M, Fathi Aghdam G, Pouyamanesh J, Amiri Majd M. The effectiveness of self-differentiation training on intimacy, compatibility and assertiveness of married women. MEDICAL SCIENCES 2020; 30 (3) :320-331
URL: http://tmuj.iautmu.ac.ir/article-1-1815-fa.html

ساسانی مهرداد، فتحی اقدم قربان، پویا منش جعفر، امیری مجد مجتبی. اثر بخشی آموزش خود متمایز سازی بر صمیمیت، سازگاری و توانایی ابراز وجود زنان متاهل. فصلنامه علوم پزشکی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی تهران. 1399; 30 (3) :320-331

URL: http://tmuj.iautmu.ac.ir/article-1-1815-fa.html

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فصلنامه علوم پزشکی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد پزشکی تهران Medical Science Journal of Islamic Azad Univesity - Tehran Medical Branch
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