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:: Volume 20, Issue 1 (spring 2010) ::
MEDICAL SCIENCES 2010, 20(1): 40-44 Back to browse issues page
Evaluation of 4-year survival in familial and non familial colorectal cancer
Mahdi Montazer Haghighi1 , Mohsen Vahedi , Seyed Reza Mohebbi , Mohamad Amin Pourhoseingholi , Seyed Reza Fatemi , Mohammad Reza Zali
Abstract:   (27347 Views)
Background: Colorectal cancer in the world is located in the third position among common cancers in both sexes. It is the second cancer which has the most mortality .The incidence of this cancer in the last decades has transcended trend in our population. The aim of this study was comparison of 4-year survival between sporadic and hereditary colorectal cancer.
Materials and methods: In this descriptive-analytic study, 121 patients with colorectal cancer were collected including 61 patients with sporadic and 60 individuals with HNPCC who were referred to research cancer gastroenterology and liver diseases of Taleghani hospital during 2004-2008. Survival rate was estimated using the Kaplan Meier method and compared with log rank test. Multivariate analysis was performed using the Cox regression analysis.
Results: 4-year survival in sporadic colorectal cancer and HNPCC showed a significant difference. The rate of survival in HNPCC patients was 82.5%, while it was 56.4% (p=0.044) in sporadic colorectal cancer. Age of diagnosis in sporadic patients was higher than hereditary group. Odds ratio of sporadic colorectal cancer for tumor location was 2.93 (95%CI: 1.06-8.11) compared HNPCC (p=0.038).
Conclusion: The result of this study was compatible with the previous studies. The result showed that the rate of survival in patients with HNPCC is higher than sporadic cases.
Keywords: Survival, HNPCC, Sporadic colorectal cancer, Cox Model
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Subject: Epidemiology
Received: 2010/08/31 | Published: 2010/04/15
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Montazer Haghighi M, Vahedi M, Mohebbi S R, Pourhoseingholi M A, Fatemi S R, Zali M R. Evaluation of 4-year survival in familial and non familial colorectal cancer. MEDICAL SCIENCES 2010; 20 (1) :40-44
URL: http://tmuj.iautmu.ac.ir/article-1-284-en.html

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Volume 20, Issue 1 (spring 2010) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه علوم پزشکی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد پزشکی تهران Medical Science Journal of Islamic Azad Univesity - Tehran Medical Branch
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