1- Shahroud University of Medical Science, Shahroud, Iran 2- Shahroud University of Medical Science, Shahroud, Iran , mb.sohrabi@yahoo.com 3- Islamic Azad University, Shahroud Branch, Shahroud, Iran
Abstract: (28422 Views)
Background : Brucellosis is one of the most common joint diseases of humans and livestock, which has a high prevalence levels. Diversity of clinical symptoms and sometimes unusual symptoms of the disease confuses physicians regarding the diagnosis and treatment. This increases duration of disease, treatment costs and also mortality and morbidity.
Case Report: A47-year-old man with rural agricultural job admitted to emergency room of Imam Hossein hospital of Shahroud, complaining prolonged fever, weakness, paralysis, nausea, anorexia and abdominal pain, and jaundice. Initial laboratory exams, including Wright, coomb’s Wright and 2ME, were normal except increased value of BUN and creatinine. Ultrasound and CT scan of abdomen were normal. After 3 days, repetition of tests showed positive Wright and 2ME. Standard treatment with anti- brucellosis drugs was prescribed. After ten days, he discharged from the hospital and treatment continued at home.
Conclusion : Awareness of different manifestations of brucellosis leads to early diagnosis and treatment and also prevention of complications.
Nezakati E, Sohrabi M B, Babaei H, Zolfaghari P, Eskandari Z. A case report of brucellosis with concurrent hepatic and renal disorders. MEDICAL SCIENCES 2011; 21 (2) :141-144 URL: http://tmuj.iautmu.ac.ir/article-1-457-en.html