1- Member of Scientific Board, Department of Physics, Islamic Azad University, Yazd Branch, Yazd, Iran , mpoorhashemi@yahoo.com 2- MSc, Department of Medical Physics, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran 3- Member of Scientific Board, Department of Loom, Faculty of Textile, Islamic Azad University, Yazd Branch, Yazd, Iran
Abstract: (12977 Views)
Background: Recently, application of nano-particles such as titanium oxide and zinc oxide to the textile has led to production of textiles with high UPF. Up to now, silver nano-particles have been used in textiles only as an anti-bacterial agent. It is very useful to find conditions under which silver nano-particles increasing UPF rate in textiles and also at the same time acting as an anti-bacterial agent. In this study, the UPF rate in 100%-cotton rib annular textiles with added silver nano-particles by dipping action is measured under different conditions. Materials and methods: Silver nano-particles added to 100% cotton rib annular textiles and the resulting materials were coded under different temperature, density, time conditions. UPF was measured by radiometer with UVA and UVB detectors under horizontal condition. These measurements were repeated ten times and then average and standard deviation were calculated. The results were analyzed using statistical methods.
Results: The highest level of UPF against UVA beams was related to the textile processed by silver nano-particle with C-kind curing and 50ppm density. The highest rate of UPF against UVB beams was associated with the textile processed by silver nano-particle with D-kind curing and 150ppm density. Conclusion: The presence of silver nano-particles on the textile acts as a shield against UV ray. In addition, the presence of silver nano-particles increases absorption rate of UV ray. These results can be described using a solid-bond theory.
Poorhashemi S M, Falahati S A, Saidmir M R. Investigating the rate of UPF in 100% cotton annular rib textiles processed with silver nano-particles . MEDICAL SCIENCES 2012; 22 (3) :198-204 URL: http://tmuj.iautmu.ac.ir/article-1-592-en.html