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:: Volume 23, Issue 4 (winter 2014) ::
MEDICAL SCIENCES 2014, 23(4): 245-249 Back to browse issues page
Association of preterm birth with intelligence quotient in 5-11 years children in Rasht
Mohammad Javad Qasemzadeh1 , Seyed Ali Pirnia2 , Hossein Ebrahimi3 , Siamak Mohebi4 , Seyede Matin Ebrahimi Grfmy5 , Hannan Ebrahimi5
1- Department of Medicine, Islamic Azad University, Qom Branch, Qom, Iran
2- Mental Neurologist, Guilan University of Medical Sciences, Rasht, Iran
3- General Practitioner, Department of Medicine, Islamic Azad University, Qom Branch, Qom, Iran , dr.ebrahimi_h@yahoo.com
4- Member of Scientific Board, Qom University Medical Sciences, Qom, Iran
5- Medical Student, Guilan University of Medical Sciences, Rasht, Iran
Abstract:   (8865 Views)
Background: A potential brain damage, as a result of premature birth, can cause damage to intelligence quotient (IQ). Due to the high incidence of preterm birth and its associated disorders and its impact on society and according to a few studies in this field, this study with the aim of evaluating association between IQ and preterm birth was conducted.
Materials and Methods: This historical cohort study was done on 282 children of school age, dividing into two groups of cohort (n = 147) and controls (n = 156). Demographic characteristics and findings of Raven's test for assessing IQ were gathered in children. Data were analyzed by SPSS software at a significance level of less than 0.05.
Results: The mean and standard deviation of IQ in cohort groups and control were the 99.46 ± 9.91 and 100.02 ± 8.61, respectively. The mean gestational age was 33.74 weeks in cohort group and 38.63 weeks in the control group. Mean birth weight and head circumference in the cohort and control group were 2226.81gr, 32.72 cm and 3260.57gr, 33.97 cm, respectively. Mean score of IQ was not significantly different between two groups, but IQ had significant correlation with birth weight and head circumference (r=0.179, P=0.002 and r=0.299, P<0.001, respectively).
Conclusion: Unlike results of a few previous studies on this issue, no significant differences were found between the two groups. It is recommended that future assessments study should be done on broader populations and should be considered behavioral and psychological dimensions.
Keywords: Intelligence quotient (IQ), Premature birth, School age, Raven’s test
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Semi-pilot: Cohort | Subject: psychiatry
Received: 2013/12/15 | Accepted: 2013/12/15 | Published: 2013/12/15
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Qasemzadeh M J, Pirnia S A, Ebrahimi H, Mohebi S, Ebrahimi Grfmy S M, Ebrahimi H. Association of preterm birth with intelligence quotient in 5-11 years children in Rasht. MEDICAL SCIENCES 2014; 23 (4) :245-249
URL: http://tmuj.iautmu.ac.ir/article-1-729-en.html

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Volume 23, Issue 4 (winter 2014) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه علوم پزشکی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد پزشکی تهران Medical Science Journal of Islamic Azad Univesity - Tehran Medical Branch
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