1- Department of Anatomical Sciences and Cognitive Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, Tehran Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran 2- Young Researchers and Elite Club, Tehran Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran 3- Department of Anatomical Sciences and Cognitive Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, Tehran Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran , nadiasharifi@yahoo.com
Abstract: (1003 Views)
Background: Computer technology has been used to add knowledge since the 1960s and has influenced medical education. Due to the importance and difficulty of anatomy education, this study was conducted to investigate the efficacy of using educational videos on the rate of learning anatomy in medical students. Materials and methods: Upper extremity anatomy training was performed on 240 second semester medical students of Islamic Azad University of Medical Sciences in Tehran. These students were divided into two categories: Control "pure teaching" and Intervention "teaching with educational videos”. After the end of the course, in order to determine the effectiveness of educational videos on increasing students' learning productivity, both groups were assessed by testing the taught topics. At the end, the mean scores of each group were calculated and analyzed by SPSS 22 software program. Results: The present study showed that according to the results of Wilcoxon test, both groups (control and aim groups) had a significant increase in the mean score of knowledge, which increasing in the teaching with educational videos group was approximately 0.26 units. Conclusion: The difference between the mean scores of the control and intervention groups showed that this new educational method increases the productivity of students. This method is more effective on students with moderate economic status than students with good economic status.
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