1- MSc Student, Department of Histology and Bacteriology, Faculty of Para Veterinary, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran 2- Department of Histology and Bacteriology, Faculty of Para Veterinary, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran , a.loueimonfared@ilam.ac.ir 3- MSc, Technician, Department of Histology and Bacteriology, Faculty of Para Veterinary, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran
Abstract: (1361 Views)
Background: Cypermethrin is an insecticide that is widely used in pest control programs. Previous studies have pointed out its harmful effects on the male reproductive system. Therefore, in the present study, vitamin E and selenium were used to protect the testicles from the damage of this poison. Materials and methods: For this study, 42 adult male Wistar rats were prepared and divided into 6 groups as follows: Control group(without any additive substances); Cyper group (received cypermethrin by gavage at 30 mg/kg for 42 days); Cyper+Vit E group (received cypermethrin in the previous method and simultaneously receiving vitamin E at 100 mg/kg by gavage); Cyper+Se group (received cypermethrin in the mentioned method and simultaneously selenium at 0.5 mg/kg by gavage); Cyper+Vit E+Se group (received cypermethrin, vitamin E and selenium by the above methods) and Vit E +Se group (received only vitamin E and selenium by the above mentioned methods). At the end of the course, the animals were weighed and then anesthetized to take blood to measure hormonal and oxidative stress parameters. Also, tissue slides at 5 microns thick were prepared and stained with H&E and Mallory's trichrome methods. Results: In the cypermethrin group, the body weight, as well as epididymal weights, testicular cell population, testosterone, LH, FSH levels and also antioxidant enzyme levels were decreased but MDA level was increased. Vitamin E or selenium administration alone could not reverse these changes, but combination of them could induce protection of testis, completely. Conclusion: The combination of vitamin E and selenium has a synergistic and protective effect against tissue and oxidative damage caused by cypermethrin in the rat’testis
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Mousavi S A, Louei Monfared A, Shakarami N. Protective and synergistic effects of vitamin E and selenium against tissue and oxidative damages induced by cypermethrin in the rat’s testis. MEDICAL SCIENCES 2022; 32 (4) :356-367 URL: http://tmuj.iautmu.ac.ir/article-1-2009-en.html