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:: Volume 18, Issue 4 (Winter 2008) ::
MEDICAL SCIENCES 2008, 18(4): 217-223 Back to browse issues page
Protective effects of sodium tungestate on pancreas of diabetic male rats and its histopathological alteration
Parichehr Yaghmaie1 , Kazem Parivar , Farid Neikseresht
1- , yaghmaei_p@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (18727 Views)
Background: Diabetes is a common disorder characterized by abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates, caused by insulin secretion deficiency and or insulin cell membrane receptors dysfunction. In this study, the effects of sodium tungstate on blood sugar and pancreatic islands were investigated in diabetic rats.
Materials and methods: Forty-eight male Wistar rats, each weighting 250 grams, were studied in eight groups of six. Group one was considered as control 1 and did not receive any drug. Groups 2 and 3 received sodium tungstate at dose of 1.75 and 2.25 g/lit for ad libitum for 60 days. Group 4, as control 2, was diabetized by single dose injection of 60 mg/kg streptozocin (STZ). Groups 5 and 6 received 1.75 and 2.25 g/lit of sodium tungstate ad libitum for 15 days then were diabetized and received sodium tungstate for another 45 days in the same manner. Groups 7 and 8 were diabetized, and then were treated with sodium tungstate for 60 days. Blood levels of glucose and histopathologic findings of pancreas were evaluated at the end of study.
Results: Administration of sodium tungstate at dose of 1.75 and 2.25 g/lit, before and after diabetes, led to a significant blood sugar decrease. Sodium tungstate has had a positive, but not significant, effect on the number and diameters of Langerhans islands.
Conclusion: This study showed that sodium tungstate decreases blood sugar, increases the number of cells in each island, regenerates Langerhans islands and prevents further development of diabetes.
Keywords: Sodium Tungstate, Diabete mellitus, Pancreas, Langerhans islands, Glucose, Streptozocin
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Subject: Epidemiology
Received: 2006/09/6 | Published: 2008/12/15
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Yaghmaie P, Parivar K, Neikseresht F. Protective effects of sodium tungestate on pancreas of diabetic male rats and its histopathological alteration. MEDICAL SCIENCES 2008; 18 (4) :217-223
URL: http://tmuj.iautmu.ac.ir/article-1-166-en.html

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Volume 18, Issue 4 (Winter 2008) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه علوم پزشکی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد پزشکی تهران Medical Science Journal of Islamic Azad Univesity - Tehran Medical Branch
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